
Composting process of livestock manure organic fertilizer production line

Composting process of livestock manure organic fertilizer production line

1. Pretreatment
Livestock manure is the main raw material of organic fertilizer production line. Due to its high moisture content, a certain proportion of weathered coal, oil shale, straw and edible fungi waste material with low moisture content should be added as conditioner, and then a certain proportion of bacteria should be added. The mixture should be adjusted to the appropriate moisture content (45% - 55%) and C / N ratio (15-30). The mixture should be stirred evenly and stacked in a strip stack for fermentation.

2. Turn over and stir
When the temperature rises to 50-65 ℃, the bacteria and insect eggs in the raw materials can be effectively killed, and a large amount of water can be evaporated.
organic fertilizer production line
3. Temperature control
The temperature, water content and the permeability of the compost were detected every day. During the fermentation process, due to the role of microorganisms, the content of organic matter, moisture, temperature, C / N ratio and pH value in the pile will change, so it is necessary to detect and adjust them regularly.
In general, the principle of "time is not isothermal, temperature is not equal" is followed, that is, the low temperature stage of early fermentation should be turned over regularly; in the high temperature stage of medium fermentation, when the temperature reaches about 65 ℃, the pile should be turned over in time, so that the pile temperature does not exceed 70 ℃.

4. Post fermentation treatment
After high-temperature fermentation, the material is basically harmless, most of the soluble organic matter has been transformed, and the biochemical speed is gradually slow. In addition, it can be piled up and ripened to promote the stabilization of organic matter and save the fermentation site. The width and length of the compost stack are determined according to the workshop conditions, and the time is 5-7 days. The air can be blown at the bottom of the stack regularly. If necessary, a long stick can be used to pierce holes on the stack regularly. The secondary composting of the organic fertilizer production line can completely degrade the organic matter and transform it into stable humus. Compost fermentation maturity can be evaluated from physical, chemical, biochemical and other aspects according to self inspection ability. 